Embracing relationships as a design principle is fundamental to education. It is relationships between students and educators and among students and educators -- and between humans and the rest of the nature (that we are part of...but unfortunately apart from due to some of the factors you highlight here!) - that form the most essential elements of learning-- and, I would argue, humanity.
I've just found your substack and am so glad I did! This post about relationships as a foundational design principle of nature reminded me of this article about trees -- and their sensory acuity and interconnectedness. It even suggests that communities of trees and their relationships and communication might be used to predict earthquakes! https://www.heartmath.org/articles-of-the-heart/giving-a-voice-to-trees/?fbclid=IwAR02nfhZHeJAV_XzZPwPROEMUd0nlHtnwOYCXVZqSUjphJPpfIBKnoF_MOs
Embracing relationships as a design principle is fundamental to education. It is relationships between students and educators and among students and educators -- and between humans and the rest of the nature (that we are part of...but unfortunately apart from due to some of the factors you highlight here!) - that form the most essential elements of learning-- and, I would argue, humanity.